Dave would be happy to play the Star Spangled Banner for your event.
Hear a demonstration
(This demonstration begins with “Whose broad stripes and bright stars…” and was done in one “live” take.)
Any Proceeds for performing the National Anthem at your event will be donated to The Elizabeth House in Oakland. Click here for information
Playing the National Anthem is good for community
Dave started playing the Star Spangled Banner during the pandemic every Friday night at 8PM at the end of the weekly Alameda Porch Concerts Series. His neighbors were soon asking him to play it more often and it became an almost a nightly event when he was in town.
Recently Fireworks
Dave most recently played the Star Spangled Banner at a Fourth of July party in Alameda.
It was not planned. The cops came.
We had been playing at a block party in Alameda after the parade ended. A neighbor had complained to the police about the volume four times from two different numbers and finally the police were obliged to come by and make sure everything was alright.
When two police cars drive down the street from opposite directions and parked at the edge of the party, people freaked out. A photo was snapped at the time and in it, you can see one of the band members is making a run for it. Couldn’t afford to have their equipment confiscated, was the reason given later.
Dave started playing the National Anthem.
He said afterward there was no way the police would break up the National Anthem. He was right, and the police appreciated the Anthem as well.
Most important everyone calmed down and enjoyed the holiday.